My journey
I have been told many times that I have lived multiple lives, which in many ways is true. I bring to my service in the world a rich history of hardship, wounds, raising a family, multiple careers, mental health struggles, and caregiving. I have always been an empath and intuit.
Many of these skills developed at an early age as an adaptation to an unsafe environment and became even more acutely honed in abusive adult relationships. My journey has really been about turning my compassion, intuition, and empathy into a gift to be shared with others.
After raising a family, I returned to school full of passion for learning more about myself, humans, and relationships. In the midst of my grad school studies, I began to delve into my own wounds and understand how these wounds live in the body, not just in the mind. My focus quickly became about understanding how the body stores, communicates, and heals trauma and was my north star as I began my work as a psychotherapist.
How I relate to trauma has shifted dramatically as I have traveled this path of healing for myself and with my clients for the past 7 years. I have moved from reprocessing and seeing trauma as my identity to transcending my painful past and seeing it as the catalytic fuel and alchemical crucible for my soul. What has emerged is a deep integrative understanding of how our mind, body and soul have an innate ability to heal and return to wholeness. What I was looking for outside myself was really just one turn away — a turn inward — right there inside me.
The past 7 years of deep intensive healing has shown me that my work as a psychotherapist was a stepping stone for finding my dharma. This dharma, or soul purpose, of guiding others inward to find their divine spark, their own inner healer and shaman and to know that everything they need is right there, inside them. I am excited beyond words to begin to build online and in-person spaces for heart-centered inquiry, soul-level expansion and collective healing. I invite you to join me on this journey of transformation!
My background
My personal passions drew me to an education in psychology, biological sciences, and integrative healthcare. After finishing two bachelor’s degrees and graduating Summa Cum Laude from Washington State University in 2013, I moved to Seattle to begin grad school. In 2016, I received a master’s degree in nutrition and clinical health psychology from Bastyr University. I spent 7 years working as a mental health therapist in private practice with a focus on complex trauma and retired from that licensure on June 30, 2023.
Over the past ten years, I have accrued extensive training and experience in working with trauma. While I am no longer a licensed practitioner, my training and experience are part of my living history and deeply inform who I am as a healer and a shamanic practitioner.
My training
I am trained in the following modalities:
Internal Family Systems (Level 1)
Non-Violent Communication
Motivational Interviewing (Advanced)
Shamanic Ceremonialism: Four Pillars
Shamanic Compassionate Deposession, Curse and Thought-form Unraveling
Shamanic Reiki (Level 1 & 2)
Certified Stone Medicine Practitioner - Upper Clarity School of Stone Medicine
I have closed my private psychotherapy practice as of June 30, 2023.
After much consideration, I decided to leave the umbrella of psychotherapy and shift my focus to spiritual teaching, mentoring and writing.